Why you need to watch this video

What will you learn from this?

Capture’s CEO, Nick Caw talks Licensing in the 2020’s, and what emerging trends we’re seeing as industry experts. Then, our CTO Simon Mallindine talks through some of the specific tools and features Capture utilises to help you make the most of your digital assets.

Monetise your visual media


A brief overview of Capture and why we’re the experts when it comes to rights management and licensing.

Find out why the biggest brands trust Capture to keep on top of their rights management and image licensing.

Monetise your visual media


From loss-leaders to licensing bundles, brand demands to blockchain.

See what is impacting image and video licensing and how Capture are constantly developing and improving to support this changing marketplace.

Monetise your visual media


See some real, working examples of different Licensing scenarios that might suit your business.

Our CTO explains the various ways we can support you with Capture’s advanced tools and features.


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