Why you need to watch this video

What will you learn from this?

Scan Data Experts provide expert digitisation and electronic records management consultancy and services. In this webinar, Director Geoff Laycock discusses the best structure and strategy to apply to your upcoming heritage digitisation project.

Monetise your visual media


What are the key benefits to digitising cultural heritage materials?

Geoff talks about preservation, accessibility and collaboration.

Monetise your visual media

Where to Focus

Surprisingly, it’s not “what scanner do we need?” or “should we outsource?”.

This webinar covers the required research, development, strategy and vision behind any digitisation project.

Monetise your visual media

Content Lifecycles

The digital content lifecycle, from selecting and creating a digital asset all the way through to preservation.

Also, think about how users can discover and re-use your content to maximise the value of your investment in digitisation.


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